Tell Us Your Story

Everyone has a story. We want to know yours.

Whether you’re a customer, a donor, or you’ve only just now stumbled on our website: We’d love to hear from you!

Feel free to tell us how you connect to this important work of low-cost car repair. There’s no need to stick to any specific question or a script, please tell us what you feel is important for us to know. If you’re stuck on what to share, you can use these as a starting point:

  1. What was your first car? What is a defining feature that you remember about it?
  2. Have you ever been without a car? By choice? By circumstance? What was it like? How did it impact your life?
  3. Tell us about a time you used your car as shelter. Were you living in it? Needed to rest on a long road trip? Were stuck in a storm and had nowhere else to go?
  4. What do you love about your car? 
  5. How did you first hear about The Lift? What compelled you to: make an appointment? make a donation? visit our website? type in your story here?
  6. Have you ever received news from a mechanic about the extent/cost of a repair and felt your stomach drop? Tell us about that moment. 
  7. If you didn’t have a car, what in your life would be more challenging? 

We may want to reach out to you to clarify details or to do a longer interview, if we do an interview we will compensate you for your time in sharing your story.

Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.

*By submitting your story you are confirming the details are true, as remembered by you, the storyteller. By submitting your story you are also providing consent for The Lift Garage to use your story and/or images publicly. You may choose to remain anonymous or request that identifying features be altered or removed.